The chief executive officer and founder of the Telegram messaging service, Pavel Durov, is the subject of special attention, according to Abu Dhabi. Judicial officials in Paris detained Durov and kept him in for an additional 48 hours after being apprehended.
Durov, who has an Emirati citizenship and is a native of Russia, was taken into custody late last week at Paris-Le Bourget Airport in Paris on the basis of a court investigation that was launched few weeks earlier. The Paris prosecutor’s department claimed that 12 suspected criminal offenses employing his well-known Telegram app are the subject of the investigation.
The Emirati Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in an announcement that it was keeping a careful eye on Durov’s situation. The ministry further stated that it has asked the French authorities to promptly furnish him with all diplomatic assistance. “Caring for citizens, preserving their interests, following up on their affairs, and providing them with all aspects of care are a top priority for the UAE.”
The Telegram founder has the citizenship of various states including UAE, France, Russia, and the Caribbean Island country of St. Kitts and Nevis. Despite having been born in Russia, He spent a large portion of his early years in Italy. In response to calls for the freedom of Durov, French President stated in his initial public remarks about the detention that it was a result of an impartial inquiry rather than a political action.
Macron stated that French nation and state is firmly devoted to the right to free speech in all facets of life. But he clarified that “to protect citizens and respect their fundamental rights, freedoms are upheld within a legal framework, both on social media and in real life.”
Having the France partner running a naval station in Abu Dhabi, France and the UAE enjoy a strong military alliance. Rafale fighter planes and tanks manufactured in France are reportedly being used by Emirati military.
Russian Criticism
Officials from the Russian administration have voiced shock over Durov’s imprisonment. Some referred to it as politically driven evidence of the France’s selective use of freedom of speech rights.
After Durov’s detention, Moscow and Paris’ ties has reached its lowest point, according to Russian Foreign Minister, who made the announcement on Tuesday. The Kremlin said on Tuesday that France has filed “very serious” allegations against Durov and advised against attempting to scare him.
According to a spokesperson for the Russian administration, the accusations are extremely serious and called for equally serious proof. If not, this would be an overt attempt to impede people’s ability to communicate freely. “I could even go so far as to directly threaten the CEO of a major corporation.”