Iraqi disputed election faces a new challenge following the infiltration of servers by a group of Israeli hackers. The new...
A British court new ruling reveals that Dubai ruler has abused his ex-wife though hacking her cell phone and her...
Muslims are the target of a security agreement between Israel and UAE. Nationals of 16 countries will have to wear...
A potential vessel hijack in coasts of UAE and the confusion over it ended following an announcement by the British...
Israel uses cultural influence on Arab partners as a leverage for future political pressure. LGBT incitement is a recent example....
Human rights organizations are urging the United Kingdom to launch a full probe into a potential murder of Alaa al-Siddiq. The...
The UAE seems to be switching from an aggressive policy in politics and intelligence to a more restrained diplomatic stance. The reality...
The United Arab Emirates has released an unexpected condemnation of Israel criticizing recent unrest in occupied East Jerusalem. The two...
An image released on Instagram this week appears to represent Princess Latifa, controversial daughter of the Dubai ruler. Latifa has...
Jürgen Habermas, the celebrated German philosopher, rejected a book award from the UAE over the country's human rights conduct. The...