Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, the Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), publicly announced his resignation, acknowledging his...
In a significant breakthrough in a series of criminal activities that have plagued Edmonton's South Asian homebuilding community, authorities have...
A severe earthquake of a magnitude of 6.3 shook Herat in Afghanistan more than a year ago. Notwithstanding many assurances of assistance,...
Few hours after inauguration, fresh US President stated that he will most likely have another visit to Saudi Arabia. Donald Trump stated...
Hezbollah has issued a strong warning saying that any lapses in the US-mediated ceasefire agreement will have grave consequences as...
About a month has passed since Bashar al-Assad's regime collapsed, ending a brutal 13-year struggle that has reshaped Syria and...
On Monday, Herzi Halevi, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli military, stated that Israel must prepare for large-scale military...
A recent study conducted by Cooper Fitch reveals that the job market in UAE and the wider Persian Gulf is...
In the shadowed streets of Nablus's northern villages, tension mounted as Israeli occupation forces and Palestinian security services carried out...
Northeast Syria is still a fighting zone with ongoing escalation between the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Turkish-backed...