In a significant development, the Israeli military carried out an aerial attack using a drone near Jenin, resulting in the...
Considering Israel’s desperate need for US support in the challenges that the Jewish states currently faces, Israel would do anything...
British-Israeli historian Avi Shlaim has claimed to have uncovered compelling evidence of Israeli involvement in bombings aimed at driving Jews...
After Albanian police raided a camp for members of the exiled Iranian opposition group Mujahedeen-e-Khalq on Tuesday, France also canceled...
In order to achieve "Greater Israel," new rules that support and hasten settlement growth protect settlers from responsibility and worsen...
According to recent reports, anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish contents are gradually and quietly being removed from school books in Saudi Arabia,...
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman has curiously taken the father's seat with all its power and political authority. This...
Residents of the Jenin refugee camp said that a combat chopper raid brought back the worst memories of the Second...
Amid news regarding possible US-Iran dean on the latter’s nuclear program, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that he...
The living condition in Gaza Strip has deteriorated since the offensives with Israeli troops last May. This is while international...