Despite strong opposition from hundreds of thousands of Israeli people for dozens of weeks, the Netanyahu’s government in the Knesset...
The Nakba, or the catastrophe, is the term used by Palestinians to describe the events of 1948, when Zionist forces...
Despite US practice and for the second time in less than a month, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said this...
Several thousand Iraqis took to the streets of Baghdad on Saturday to protest against the burning or damaging of the...
As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was sent to hospital again, this time for a heart procedure, hundreds of thousands...
The censorship of recent clashes in Palestinian territories by media giants, social media in specific, has been blamed by critics....
Western donors have spent more than $50bn in foreign aid in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) since the Oslo I...
In a new wave of retracting religious figures who oppose the government in Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom’s authorities arrested a...
A powerful explosion within a sensitive missile production facility in Israel sent ripples miles away. While Israeli papers claim that...
According to a poll conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute, only 29% of Israelis believe that this month's election will...