The Surge in eviction of Palestinians and demolition of their houses led to suing Israel in International Criminal Court. A...
Verily, the recent 'Sword of Jerusalem' operation has repercussions at various military and political levels: on the Zionist entity; on...
Israeli troops demolished a house late at midnight in Sheikh Jarrah using hundreds of forces. Israel means to change the...
Palestinian Bedouins are at the center of new phase of Israeli crackdown who want to seize their farming lands. Hundreds...
Abbas-Gantz meeting is among those rare talks in the occupied lands that occurred for the second time this year. The...
Palestine Pavilion at Dubai Expo 2020 represent a rich history that has the potential to attract investment and tourists. Organizers...
Protests against the participation of Israeli ambassador Tzipi Hotovely in an LSE debate led to disputes. Police says the protests...
UK's Balfour Declaration is the official recognition of a project through which Israel set off establishing state in Palestinian lands....
Sally Rooney, the Irish famous author of literary works boycotted an Israeli publisher from translating and publishing her works. The...
Naftali Bennett reiterated his predecessor's claims about Iran's nuclear program threats. Iran rejected the claims as "full of lies". Israeli...