In a shocking turn of events, recent reports suggest that Hamza bin Laden, the son of the late Osama bin...
Afghan women are now, however, expressing their disapproval online through videos of them singing songs about independence while covering their...
Shabana's favorite part of the day is when she attends her regular English classes. She finds a momentary escape from...
Afghans are paying a heavy price for the international community's inactivity, according to humanitarian organizations operating in Afghanistan. Afghans, particularly...
Three years after the change of government, millions of Afghans are still struggling in one of the biggest and most...
Russia’s recent moves in challenging the United States especially in Yemen and Afghanistan has sent this clear message to Washington...
The most defenseless members of community have been on their own ever since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan three...
Arriving in Qatar to begin another round of UN-sponsored negotiations on Afghanistan's integration into the global society are representatives from Afghanistan...
Massoud’s reported request for Israeli support angers many Afghans and Palestinians, while his group denies the claim Ahmad Massoud, the...
The US invasion of Afghanistan and a two-decade military involvement in the country led to further debilitation of Afghanistan in...